My Medical Reports

First Report found thyroid case

Lastest my Thyroid report

All reports initial to till date

Date 21st Nov 2008 was my first test report indicated thyroid case and high blood pressure. Before am I never thought about how am I become such diseases in my life. My lifestyle was growing up same as all doing same. I never thought about precaution of my life will be healthy and fitness every time.

Whatever I want to do my in life can do in my mind wanted and never thought about the precaution of unnatural think will come for health related issued. Must be always in my mind set fit healthy not such issued of disease to be happening in my life.

My Treatment was started after getting my reports and then wondering how to rectify or deleted in my life. Always asking to doctor for controlling my diseases both not received any sound of curable in my life. Asking for diet what kind of food can eat or not in my life. But such accurate direction of precaution never sounds in my life.

Everybody get a chance of second life for living of life. When I get Herbalife product then my living lifestyle has been change and disease also under control. Then I know the value of Herbalife product is kind of save life of every human being suffer any disease. I have not drought of any risk factor of Herbalife produce.

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